


kaiyun·开云(官方)app下载安装ios/安卓通用版/手机版_双语科技百科(数学) 第30期:九九乘法表

发布时间:2024-10-03 04:25浏览次数:
本文摘要:Multiplication Table九九乘法表格Chinese students are no strangers to the multiplication table. Known as jiujiu biao(Nine-nines rhyme),the multiplication table was already very popular as early as the seventh century BC in China according to historical very popular as early as the seventh century BC in China according to historical records.It was titled this because when it was taught one would start with “nine times nine ( 9x9)”and work his or her way down to “1x1”.In today’s schools in China.students start with“1x1”and work their way up.中国的学生都背过九九乘法表格。

Multiplication Table九九乘法表格Chinese students are no strangers to the multiplication table. Known as jiujiu biao(Nine-nines rhyme),the multiplication table was already very popular as early as the seventh century BC in China according to historical very popular as early as the seventh century BC in China according to historical records.It was titled this because when it was taught one would start with “nine times nine ( 9x9)”and work his or her way down to “1x1”.In today’s schools in China.students start with“1x1”and work their way up.中国的学生都背过九九乘法表格。据史料记述,早于在公元前7世纪,九九乘法表格(亦称九九歌诀)在中国已广为人知。

之所以称作九九表,原因在于,古代的乘法口诀从“九九八十一”开始,仍然到“一一得一”。今天则反其道而行之,从“一一得一”开始,仍然到“九九八十一”。Recent archeological finds shows that a multiplication table found at the Guren-di cultural relics of the Eastern Han Dynasty in Zhangjiajie of Central China’s Hunan Province was amazingly consistent with the table of today, although the handwrit-ing on the table is quite illegible. The table was discovered on a 22cm long wooden strip,which was broken when it was discovered. Previously, another 2,200-year-old bamboo strip from the Qin Dynasty with the carving of the multiplication table was found in the ancient Liye City in western Hunan Province,which is the earliest calculation table ever found in China.根据考古专家在湖南张家界古人堤汉代遗址发掘出的简犊上找到的汉代“九九乘法表格”,竟然与现今生活中用于的乘法口诀表格具有难以置信的完全一致。


Another multiplication table was discovered in documents from Loulan,which was written on two pieces of paper and discovered by Swedish explorer Sven Hedin a century ago.除了里耶秦简外,与张家界古人堤遗址找到的这枚简犊样式大致相同的“九九乘法表格”还曾在楼兰文书中看到过,那是写出在两张残纸上的九九乘法表格,为瑞典探险家斯文赫定在上个世纪初期考古。Ancient Chinese were not the only people inventing multiplication tables as they have also been discovered on the clay tablets from ancient Babylon,but as the pronunciation of Chinese words is monosyllabic,the traditional Chinese multiplica-tion table can be read smoothly and easily to be remembered and used.乘法表在古代并非中国一家独特,古巴比伦的泥版书上也有乘法表。但汉字(还包括数目字)单音节倾听的特点,使之读一起朗朗上口,便于记忆、用于。


