


黑莓发布方屏智能手机 商务元素众多_kaiyun·开云(官方)app下载安装ios/安卓通用版/手机版

发布时间:2024-10-01 04:25浏览次数:
本文摘要:BlackBerry is making its latest attempt to regain its once-trusted place in the pockets of the business user with an unusual square-shaped smartphone designed for reading spreadsheets and documents.黑莓(BlackBerry)公布了一款外形独有的方屏智能手机,该手机专为加载电子表格和文档而设计,这是黑莓重拾商业用户信赖的近期尝试。

BlackBerry is making its latest attempt to regain its once-trusted place in the pockets of the business user with an unusual square-shaped smartphone designed for reading spreadsheets and documents.黑莓(BlackBerry)公布了一款外形独有的方屏智能手机,该手机专为加载电子表格和文档而设计,这是黑莓重拾商业用户信赖的近期尝试。Revealed yesterday at events in Toronto, London and Dubai, the Passport is the company’s first global phone launch since John Chen took over as chief executive in November.黑莓Passport昨日在多伦多、伦敦和迪拜的发布会上亮相,这是自程守宗(John Chen)去年11月接替黑莓首席执行官以来,该公司首次举办全球手机发布会。The company hopes to win back its following among office workers with a large 4.5 inch square screen for viewing and creating content such as emails and business documents.该公司期望凭借4.5英寸的方形大屏幕,赢取上班族的接纳,这款屏幕适合于查阅和创立电子邮件及业务文档等内容。

The much-loved tap keyboard is also back, but this time with a second use as a touch pad, while a digital assistant can help organise meetings and manage apps. The wide screen of the Passport can display the details of a Microsoft Excel document for an office worker, for example, or an X-ray image for a doctor.Passport新的落成了倍受欢迎的实体键盘,但这次的按键还具有触控功能,它还配备了数字助理,可以协助的组织会议和管理应用于。Passport的长屏可为办公室职员表明微软公司(Microsoft) Excel文件的详细信息,或为医生表明X射线图像。BlackBerry said that it wanted to “arm mobile professionals with tools that make them more productive”.黑莓回应,它期望“为流动性专业人群获取工具,让他们更加有效率”。Mr Chen has made clear that the device is not aimed at the consumer market, where its share has dwindled to a negligible level over the past few years. Its success will be closely monitored by investors as the Canadian group attempts to claw back sales in a market dominated by rivals such as Apple and Samsung.程守宗具体回应,该设备不针对消费市场,黑莓在该市场的份额已在过去几年里大跌至微不足道的水平。

这家加拿大公司企图在苹果(Apple)、三星(Samsung)等竞争对手主导的市场上夺取销量之际,Passport的顺利与否将受到投资者紧密注目。The phone met with broadly positive reviews on launch, even if some analysts warned that it could end up only taking a small share of its target market of the “regulated industries” of finance, healthcare, and government.Passport公布后取得普遍赞誉,即使一些分析师警告称之为,它最后有可能不能在金融、医疗和政府等“不受监管产业”的目标市场获得少量份额。


